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About Joanne (anna) Glen

I'm an Ethusiast Photographer currently studying to become a Professional Photographer.


Incorporating my 5 Year Plan;

Whilst studying I will also continuing with getting out and about meeting up with other passionate photographers of all levels to network and go to various shoots in and around Sydney or where my fancy takes me, to continue learning and practising my craft.

To the study end I would hope to continue to complete The Advanced Diploma in Photo Imaging.  Photography is one of those career areas that you can never stop learning as there is always something new being developed either in editing or cameras themselves and as nature always changes you have to adapt and change with it!

I have a wide and varied  interest in diffrent photographic styles from Portraits, Landscapes, Wheathered Industrial, Weather, Family, Children, Birth to Newborn, Family Celebrations, Flora and Fauna, Abandoned,  B&W, Sepia, Pinhole, Events whether fashion, Runway to a solom ANZAC Day, Dawn Service, Boudoir to Nude.


For me it is about capturing that moment in time when magic happens and it's not in a  posing moment I see it and capture it in a natural state of being, here is a few examples of magic; A sheet of ligtning or strike, A moment of pure joy in the face of a child when they catch site oftheir mothers face or discover something as simple a feather falling or being carried in the wind, the raw emotion when parent/s hold their baby for the first time after all those months of anticipated waiting, the unadulterated glance of true love ( agape) between a couple or parent and child, following the the sun to play with light and shadows in landscapes or architectural lines and textures, the moment a runway model owns it with confidance and sass, and many more.​


Please enjoy looking around while I continue learning and adding to my portfolio and blog......

.Jo Glen

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